Jen's Cuts
Jen's Cuts
Trimmy Trim: Last Meal Planning: Joy's Big Bowl

Trimmy Trim: Last Meal Planning: Joy's Big Bowl

Just a girl on the beach...

Jen: But yeah, so have you put any thought into your last meal?

Joy: Yes.

Jen: Okay. Did you listen to the episode that I did with Annette on the last meals?

Joy: I read the transcript.

Jen: So you know everything that we've already talked about. Is there anything, okay, what, uh…?

Joy: I want a nice hearty stew.

Jen: That's it?

Joy: Something with barley.

Jen: That's it?

Joy: A crusty bread with lots of whipped butter. But that's what I would want for my last meal. And I sat there and I thought about it. And I was like, yeah, because I love soup, I love stews. And I would like a nice hearty soup or stew.

Jen: What are you going to drink?

Joy: Probably Crystal Light.

Jen: What is your ideal location?

Joy: Not in prison. That’s for sure.

Jen: Yeah. So like, if there was a thing where they took you on a school bus in the four chains, they take you on a school bus to somewhere to have your last meal, where would you want to go?

Joy: The beach.

Jen: Yeah! Every, I mean, everybody— That's like the way to do it is to, like, literally just have your last meal, and just execute me there.

Joy: Yeah, you don't even have to change.

Jen: Make everybody watch.

Joy: Yeah.

Jen: Feed me to a shark.

Joy: Take me to a shark infested beach and make me walk into the water. Okay!

Jen: Imagine a shark bit into you and like stew just came out and swirled around in the water.

Joy: Oh, gross!

Jen: Just stew.

Joy: Oh, God. It's possible though. I love a good beef and barley.

Jen: Okay. What kind of bread?

Joy: Probably sourdough.

Jen: Butter?

Joy: Something Irish. A nice European style butter.

Jen: Dessert?

Joy: I'll be too full from the soup.

Jen: How much soup?

Joy: A nice medieval type bowl.

Jen: Gonna say one of those like brown pots with the little handles on the side? Those like, gnome pots?

Joy: Oh, that would be even better. Yes. Yes. I like that. And just bring it out to me. That would be even better. Just let me sit there with a shawl and eat my soup. Now I'm going to be forever terrified to eat soup at the beach with a shawl.

Jen: When, besides your last day, will that be an option? It's not like you do that once a week.

Joy: That's true.

Jen: You're cursing yourself.

Joy: No. What would you like for your last meal?


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Jen's Cuts
Jen's Cuts
I talk a lot, and I think even more. One time, a guy at a bar told me I think too much. After he fuckin’ walked up and asked me what I was thinking about, can you believe it?
A friend once told me that when talking to me, you sign up for one story and get a bonus eight thrown in the middle for free. I didn’t start using pot until I was 32, by the way; I was always like this.
The word "cut" has nearly 100 definitions. It just made sense.