Jen's Cuts
Jen's Cuts
Introducing Audio

Introducing Audio


Hello friends, readers, and now I guess listeners.
It is Jen, me, here, giving you cuts with my mouth, in my voice. That's actually why I'm here is: I have decided to venture – like most other people in the world – into podcasting.

The reason is – I feel like I have to have a reason…
I have too many things to say and it is easier to say them than to write them. I have tried various other forms of media for expressing myself in an efficient and thorough manner, and each has had its flaws so far.

I have tried throughout the years to maintain some sort of blog, some sort of diary, which is where we are now. And the problem is that writing is so time-intensive. I have so many thoughts, I have so many unfinished ideas. And that doesn't mean that they're bad. It just means that I don't have enough time. It means that, as fast as my fingers try to go, I still stumble and they're still… I have a lisp and I'm occasionally lazy with my elocution and my enunciation, and speech-to-text doesn't like that at all. So, it hasn't worked out so far…

When I write, it's difficult to clearly present my idea or my thoughts because I write like I speak, and then I have to clean all of that up, which takes away my voice then. And I think that the voice I have is, of course, also part of my point of view. It gives you more idea about where I'm coming from on things. And I figured what would be a better way to present my voice on something, than by using my voice?

When TikTok came around, I was pretty excited that I could start over there and do something new to tell my stories. But I didn't want to deal with the flood of righteous emotional teenagers. There are people out there who are emotionally reactionary and it is exhausting to have to consider every angle that somebody could possibly misread you. I genuinely sometimes don't even think that it's on purpose, that they're looking for a way to troll. They just literally have such a myopic set of experiences.
As much as this younger generation preaches about empathy and stuff, I don't think that they have a lot of it and they can't really see things from somebody else's point of view.
At first, I enjoyed the process of responding to comments with new videos. And then I was just like, these people are so willful in their lens and their interpretation of the things that I… it's exhausting.
And I gotta say, like, if I upset you, there are so many more important things in the world to be upset about than what, like, some stranger on the internet says about bathrooms, or anything else I'm gonna talk about here. However, I will say, share all of this with your friends, of course.

The plan is for me to visit essays previously written. A few will stay written only because I believe they are in peak form. It is usually very difficult for me to get an essay to the point that I think it's good enough to publish, which is another reason why I think it's better to speak them.
(I will be including the coverage I promised of my local crime and all the internet weirdos that came after me for it. That is paused but ongoing.)
I am putting up a very expensive paywall. However, I am offering free subscriptions for friends of friends who are interested in reading or listening to all the juice.
If you're here and you want a subscription, or you'd like to give one to a friend, email me at There should be some email information somewhere on here. I'm not really sure.

Jen's Cuts: the audio version. starting now.

[~*guitar solo*~]

Jen's Cuts
Jen's Cuts
I talk a lot, and I think even more. One time, a guy at a bar told me I think too much. After he fuckin’ walked up and asked me what I was thinking about, can you believe it?
A friend once told me that when talking to me, you sign up for one story and get a bonus eight thrown in the middle for free. I didn’t start using pot until I was 32, by the way; I was always like this.
The word "cut" has nearly 100 definitions. It just made sense.